Inside the Vertical Mind
Welcome to the Inside The Vertical Mind Podcast, hosted by Dr. Don McGrath, co-author of the best-selling climbing psychology book Vertical Mind.
Each episode focuses on a different psychological or social aspect of climbing.
You won’t hear about the latest hard sends by big-name climbers.
You will hear from people more like you, who have interesting stories and perspectives about climbing and what it means to be a climber.
View this exciting new Rock Climbing and Personal Development Podcast at:
Click on these logos to visit that Podcast page.
Don McGrath featured on
The Enormocast Podcast
Chris Kalous interviews Dr. DON McGrath
On Episode 288 of the Enormocast, Chris Kalous reunites with Don McGrath, the author of the book Vertical Mind. Don appeared nearly a decade ago on the podcast, and his book on the mindset of climbing has never left the conversion.
“Don has spent the last 10 years learning even more about overcoming the hurdles our brains set up for us on the wall. He’s helped thousands of climbers make steps to improve their climbing and their enjoyment of climbing. Now in his 60s, Don is also learning what it takes to perform as you age and stay in the mix. Overall, a fun and enlightening conversion with an OG training guru.”
Click on these logos to visit that Podcast page.
A new Psychology of Climbing outdoor tv show in development with Dr. Don McGrath.
Join host Dr. Don McGrath, co-author of the book Vertical Mind, along with a cast of top rock climber co-hosts as together, with the backdrop of breathtaking climbing destinations, they explore many of the psychological aspects of rock climbing.
Each episode delves deeply into a different mental aspect of climbing to uncover useful strategies, tactics, and life-lessons that can be applied by climbers and non-climbers alike.
Welcome to Inside The Vertical Mind
Preview video above. Click to view.
Inside the Vertical Mind Episodes
Note: The following are sample photos and brief summaries. Please click on Learn More to read more about each episode.
Healing through climbing
Sport Climbing
Traditional Climbing
After The Fall:
In this episode, Don and a co-host who has suffered and recovered from a nearly life-ending accident share psychological insights and lessons they have received through set-backs and challenges resulting from injuries and accidents.
Fear of Falling
Fear of Failure
As humans, we are social creatures and strive to be accepted in our social circles. We fear rejection, which can keep us from doing things where we may fail…
Aging Into Climbing
Inside the Vertical Mind Sponsors
We are happy to announce our first show sponsor Trango, an established Colorado climbing company that designs, develops and sells gear and holds, as well as being the US Distributor for Tenaya shoes.
If you are interested in becoming a show sponsor please click here for our Sponsor Inquiry Page.